Our team inspects and hand cleans each wedding gown, carefully removing any stains or discoloration. In fact, third-generation owner Dale Velez provides the final inspection on every wedding gown we heirloom. Of course, Young’s always takes special care to protect loose or fragile beading, fine embroidery, and delicate lace. And because some spills that appear invisible will brown over time, we take every precaution to ensure that all contaminants, seen and un-seen, are completely removed.

For more than half a century, New Orleanians have trusted Young’s with their most precious family heirlooms—wedding gowns, christening gowns, first-communion gowns, and more. Our reputation for restoring century-old garments to pristine condition without damaging their delicate aged fabrics and dyes is well known among Mardi Gras royalty—all the more reason to trust your most precious garments to Young’s.